Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Creating a Map in Google: My Maps

I have just learned how to create a unique map for a project using google maps. The idea for the project would be for students to look up a map of a specific area of the 3 choices: 1.) Where they live (neighborhood or city), 2.) A place they have visited, 3.) A place they would like to go. I would have them create a map in Google: My Maps, and share them with the class. The map chosen should show the topographical lay of the land, giving the students a clear view of the high and low elevations of that specific map. It would also outline the area that they would be recreating. I would have them outline the area, and mark the site of 1 of the 3 choices above. Here would be my map example to share with the class:

I chose Saugatuck, because that is where I teach, and my students will know the general area. What I have taught before is about topographical maps, elevations, and the beauty in nature found in the geographical lay of the land. Once students have this map, their boxed in area will be their project. They must mark with a drop pin the specific place they are capturing, and the surrounding area. They will sketch this out as a topographical map with elevation lines, and areas of water. They will then paint to fill these lines each with an arbitrary color, choosing a total color palette of 5 colors, and tinting them. We will relate these to Traditional Aboriginal Paintings that show the landscape. We may even finish these by adding dots to reference Aboriginal Paintings, and creating movement in the art piece! Here are 2 examples of what this project may look like when finished:

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